Triphala Herbal
What is Triphala ? Triphala is one of the traditional Thai medicine. Though many Thai will not recognize its name but for traditional Thai medicine doctor and India medicine science doctor is well-known for ages that helps balancing our 4 human element , safe ,non toxic effect. Moreover it can helps natural detoxing ( excrement system ),especially gastrointestinal ,hematologic , lymphatic system
Triphala means as it name, “ Tri “ = 3 (three) , “Phala” = fruit (unit) , Triphala = 3 fruit unit ,containing of ( Myrobalan Wood, Beleric myrobalan, Emblic Myrabolan)
Myrobalan Wood
Scientific name : Terminaha chebula Retz
Majorly contain “ Tannin “ chemical which use for astringent, colic relief , tonic , sore throat mouth watch , reactivate lymph, laxative , inflame wound, inner heat and gas bleeding ,nourishing body parts
And because of its famous on “ detoxing “ chemical , Some of Indian use it for help digesting problem, skin treatment , cardiac disease , inner wound , flatulence , vomit and hemorrhoids
In India , frequency use for treatment of gastrointestinal ,hematologic , lymphatic system, parasite disease, cardiac problem , diabetes and hemorrhoid. Also effective on anti virus including HIV , anti=oxidant and promote liver activity of reduce serum lipid
Beleric myrobalan
Scientific name : Terminalia belerica (Gaertn) Roxb
Beleric myrobalanis a middle big evergreen plants , it bear fruit similar to papaya ,size averagely 1.5-2 cm width , 2.5-3 cm long ,pentagon shape with brown hairy skin. Its fruit flavor is sour and acerbity. Effective on laxative , relief hemorrhoid ,eye inflame , phlegm and fever
Emblic Myrabolan
Scientific name : Phyllanthus emblica Linn
One of a standing timber ,mostly found in Southeast Asia ( Red forest area) , that bear fruit rounding shape ,average diameter size 2 cm with brown rough cover. Once peel off ,will found a yellow sticky and durable fruit with brown seed inside. Harvesting should consider a big dry fruit without any stalk attaching. To eat, mostly use older age fruit which give acerbity flavor as cough syrup. Research also found that it contain high rate of Vitamin C , help preventing cancer , and detoxing lead
According to traditional medicine book, use a dry old skin of its stem to grind it to powder size and put it over fresh wound or contuse. Or use fresh leaf to boil in a water and drink it for relief edema symptom , boiled leaf also can apply to fresh would, lymph and dermatitis. Fruit can use for treatment medicine to relieve such a cough , thirst , fever, uroschesis , stomatorrhagia gingiva rum. Fresh up feeling would effect after took it.
Also if grind a dry old fruit to powder size and then dissolve with clean water for drink will help gonorrhea ,miscarry,diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice and macrocytic anemia.
Moreover its root can be boiled in a clean water to helps leprosy, high blood high blood pressure , diarrhea