สมุนไพรน่ารู้ - สมุนไพรโสม (Ginseng)

Micronutrients and Ingredient
ginsenoside Ro, Ra, Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2, Rg3 and etc ,triterpene, glycoside, amino acid, balm , Vitamin B1,2,C, tenuous,copper ,aluminium, chromium, nickel , lanthanum , phosphor , baron and other 26 elements.
1.  Freshen up
2.  Good for aftercare patient to get Immune system back faster
3.  Help cardiac
4.  Nourishing health
5.  Healing stress and tried symptom
6.  Helps sleep better
7.  Promote sexual capability
8.  Helps excrement system
9.   Anti - oxidant 
10. Helps lower sugar in blood

